CCP Raids Lahore + Islamabad Offices of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association - Android

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CCP Raids Lahore + Islamabad Offices of Pakistan Sugar Mills Association - Android

Two different teams simultaneously carried out the search in PSMA’s Islamabad and Lahore premises following indications of anti-competitive activities by Read More

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Two different teams simultaneously carried out the search in PSMA’s Islamabad and Lahore premises following indications of anti-competitive activities by the association.

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) carried out a search and inspection of the Pakistan Sugar Mills Association’s (PSMA) Lahore and Islamabad offices, as part of its ongoing investigation into anti-competitive practices in the sugar industry, according to a press release issued recently.

Following indications that PSMA was involved in anti-competitive activities including, but not limited to, the collective stoppage of crushing in season 2019-20, collective rise in prices of sugar, and collective refusal to supply sugar to Utility Store Corporation (USC) as recently reported, the CCP authorized its officers to the ‘Enter and Search’ PSMA premises under Section 34 of the Competition Act 2010.

Authorized by the commission, two different teams simultaneously carried out the search in PSMA’s Islamabad and Lahore premises and impounded the relevant record. Through its various enforcement orders, the CCP has repeatedly warned industry associations from indulging in activities, which may violate the Competition Act.

Any corporate or industrial associations are not allowed to discuss, deliberate, or share sensitive commercial information that may allow its members, who are competitors, to coordinate business policy or discussion on economic aspects, the press release said, adding that the CCP, as part of its statutory mandate under the Competition Act, strives to eradicate anti-competitive practices in all sector of the economy.

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15/09/2020 05:56 AM