China has indicated enhanced cooperation with Pakistan over BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, Chinese satellite navigation system similar to US’s Global… Read More
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China has indicated enhanced cooperation with Pakistan over BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, Chinese satellite navigation system similar to US’s Global Positioning System (GPS), Russia’s GLONASS, and the European Galileo systems.
Just recently, China successfully put the final satellite into the orbit of the BeiDou-3 navigation system, further advancing the country as a major power in space against the US.
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A total of 35 satellites make up the BeiDou-3 navigation system that is worth $10 billion. Collectively, there are 55 satellites in the BeiDou constellation.
Ran Chengqi, Director General of the China Satellite Navigation Office which oversees BeiDou, lauded Pakistan’s efforts and said Pakistan was the first foreign country to use China’s BeiDou.
Chengqi further added that China recognizes Pakistan as a key partner and signaled an increased collaboration in training, application systems, performance monitoring, and assessment in the ambit of BeiDou.
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China perceives a better cooperation perspective with Pakistan in the field of BeiDou satellite navigation system.
In addition to China, BeiDou’s coverage stretches over Japan, Iran, Australia, and most of the Pacific Ocean.
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