PTCL’s Experia Internship Program is Preparing Students for Professional Life - Android

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PTCL’s Experia Internship Program is Preparing Students for Professional Life - Android

After years of tough assignments, nerve-wracking exams, and putting up with extreme expectations of teachers, it is imperative for a Read More

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After years of tough assignments, nerve-wracking exams, and putting up with extreme expectations of teachers, it is imperative for a student to be prepared to perform in the industry. The students who freshly graduate after over a decade of education need experience on their resumes.

This is where an internship becomes a bridge between a fresh graduate and their ideal company. An internship enables skilled learning, provides hands-on experience, and provides training to fresh graduates to prepare them for professional life.

Every company needs a consistent supply of fresh, energized, and technologically aware candidates. Shortlisted candidates, based on their academic backgrounds and hands-on professional experience, are given an opportunity to work in a corporate environment.

Needless to say, it’s serious competition and students have to show immaculate academic grades, along with necessary skills for their career path. It has become a trend that companies recruit only the best candidates; this restricts most students, who lack any professional exposure to get selected for such promising jobs.

Companies that understand this dynamic, usually offer internship programs to bright students and fresh graduates in order to help them get accustomed to the corporate workplace set up. There are several aspects of a professional career, which are not covered in the standard academic tenure.

Aspects like Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) followed in the corporate world, interaction with colleagues, task & time management, internal & external communication, growth path and how employees are rated during their performance appraisals, etc. are a few things best learned during the active job.

Among the Pakistani companies that realize the importance of professional development is PTCL, working its way to come up with various innovative solutions to provide ample opportunities for our youth.

To achieve this goal, the company has designed its flagship program known as ‘Experia’. Recently, it chose 25 out of 1,200 promising candidates from prominent universities throughout Pakistan. The company offered tech-savvy learning experiences and introduced them to advanced corporate SOPs being followed by the company.

As this year the COVID-19 pandemic has restricted education on a global scale, PTCL offered Experia 2020 Internship Program through virtual settings. The interns recorded good learning and training experience during the program.

Creators of such programs have a very clear idea about the importance of recruiting the right candidates for their key employment positions. Companies that run successful internship programs use state-of-the-art internship models to equip promising candidates with the right tools to make their mark when they enter their professional careers.

Pakistan needs more companies that give back to society in the most strategically productive manner. This is the need of the hour and falls under the ‘Digital Pakistan’ vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan himself. Perhaps, in the near future, our students will have ample options to choose from different internship opportunities that will best suit their capabilities and their interests as well.

In order to achieve this, corporations and universities must collaborate to enhance the workforce capacity of the country, achieve excellence and make future leaders as rightfully said by “Nelson Mandela – The youth of today are leaders of tomorrow.”

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11/09/2020 04:07 PM