Govt Mandates Use of Plastic Wrapping in Airports Right After the Anti-Plastic Campaign - Android

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Govt Mandates Use of Plastic Wrapping in Airports Right After the Anti-Plastic Campaign - Android

The government seems to be countering its anti-polythene initiatives by introducing what many called ‘bizarre’ baggage rules at the country’s Read More

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The government seems to be countering its anti-polythene initiatives by introducing what many called ‘bizarre’ baggage rules at the country’s airport.

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCCA) has issued a notification on July 18th making it mandatory for all the check-in baggage to be wrapped with plastic sheets.

According to the notification, the baggage of all domestic and international passengers will be plastic-wrapped before going to the scanning counters of Airport Security Force (ASF), Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) and Customs.

The notification available with ProPakistani mentioned that price for the wrapping will be charged Rs. 50 per bag and it will be effective immediately.

While the authorities said the initiative was meant for luggage security, experts believe this will only bring a bad name to the country.

“Also this actually reflects poorly on Pakistan. By making this mandatory, you are telling the world we can NOT keep your bags safe while they are at our airports,” Norbet Almeida, Security Manager at Procter & Gambles and a writer at Dawn wrote this on Twitter.